Lily Rose Tregorlann

I am a writer, speaker, and an independent Interfaith and Humanist Minister and a Wedding, Funeral and Life Cycle Celebrant.

I grew up in a very strict, conservative, fundamentalist version of evangelical Christianity. I spent around 15 years within Judaism/ Messianic Judaism, then spent some years in the more progressive, egalitarian Celtic Christianity via Anglicanism before completely deconstructing my faith.

I am now a member of Humanistic Judaism, and inspired by my experience in Humanistic Judaism, the idea for Humanistic Christianity is to look back at the religion I grew up in to see if it is possible to reclaim it in a healthy and non-harmful, Humanistic way, and encourage that as a serious option.

I am able to speak on a number of topics.

To book my services as a Celebrant or speaker, please look at my website: Lily Rose Tregorlann